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The final draft of the St Stephen Parish Neighbourhood Plan is now available to comment on. The Plan will affect what can be built, and where, up to 2036 in the St Stephen Parish Area.

The period for publicising a Plan Proposal runs for six weeks between Thursday 3 June 2021 and Friday 16 July 2021. More information on neighbourhood planning can be found at

The Plan and accompanying documentation are available on the St Albans District Council website along with details of how to comment. Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan proposal are also available to view by appointment at St Stephen Parish office (details shown below).

St Stephen Parish Council, The Parish Centre, Station Road, Bricket Wood AL2 3PJ

Copies of the St Stephen Neighbourhood Plan can be inspected in the offices of St Stephen Parish Council. In order to maintain social distancing requirements, inspection will be by appointment between the hours of 09:00-16.00 Monday to Friday. Please call the parish office on 01923 681443, option 1 or email to book an appointment.

HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 10th June 1921 – 9th April 2021

It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and our thoughts and deep condolences are with the Royal Family at this time.

Our flag, at the Parish Centre, has been lowered as a mark of respect and will remain so until 08:00 hours on the morning after the funeral on Saturday 17 April 2021

Regrettably, the signing of books of condolence has been discouraged and people are recommended to leave messages of condolence on the website:

The Palace has also requested that people should consider making a donation to a charity of their choice, or to one of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Patronages, in memory of His Royal Highness, instead of leaving floral tributes.

Cllr David Parry


St Stephen Parish Council

11 April 2021

Greenwood Park Play Area Closed on Morning of Friday 19th March


 FRIDAY 19 March 2021, 8am – 1pm

The Play Area will be closed for maintenance during the morning of Friday 19th March. Apologies for the inconvenience. Works will result in better drainage and grass establishment.

There are nearby, smaller play areas, at:

North Close, AL2 3JX (a 10 minute walk along the cycle track)

Cherry Hill, AL2 3AT

Mayflower Road, AL2 2QN

Park Street Rec, AL2 3NE

Hertfordshire County Council want you to have your say on budget spending

HCC want to hear your views about how they should spend your Council Tax over the coming financial year, from April 2021 to March 2022.

Have your say on how the budget should be spent in 2021-22

They’ll use feedback from this consultation to inform the council’s budget decision-making process.

This survey accompanies the proposed budget for 2021-22 – they call this the draft Integrated Plan 2021-22.

Opening date: 11 January 2021

Closing date: 1 February 2021

Website Accessibility Statement

Accessibility statement for

This website is run by St Stephen Parish Council. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:

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Great British September Clean

THE PARISH PICKERS will be supporting The Great British September Clean on Saturday 19 September meeting at Park Street Lane Recreation Ground and Oakwood Road shops, but with a few tweaks to comply with KBT and Government guidelines.  

We will stagger the start time from 09.30 – 10.00 so please do not all turn up at 09.30. If you are one of our wonderful Lone Rangers and you have all the gear please do your own thing in your favourite patch and let us know by September 14th where you plan to pick so we don’t duplicate efforts.                                                                                                                         

Full, tied-up sacks can be left next to street bins for Veolia to collect. 

There will be Bags/Gloves/Pickers etc. provided and we will follow all the latest rules regarding social distancing and hygiene.  Please bring and use hand gel before and after picking and keep any gloves you use. Pickers and hoops can be returned to the Recreation Ground or be kept, if you want to do some future litter-picking and join our Lone Ranger group. Please come and join us to make Park Street and Bricket Wood cleaner villages.

Contact John ( Bricket Wood) at or

Contact Dennis (Park Street) at  for further info.