If you need to speak to a member of staff about a particular topic please use their telephone number or email address given below:
At Greenwood Park Community Centre, Park Street Pavilion and the Parish Centre
Contact: Dani Medlin, Centres ManagerEmail: bookings@ststephen-pc.gov.ukTelephone: 01923 681443, option 2
Relating to the Parish Council including queries to the Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
Contact: Sue Hake, Parish ClerkEmail: clerk@ststephen-pc.gov.ukTelephone: 01923 681443
Planning application enquiries, Allotments and Parish Council owned Woodlands
Contact: Parish Clerk or Assistant ClerkEmail: Planning: planning@ststephen-pc.gov.uk Other enquiries: amanda@ststephen-pc.gov.ukTelephone: 01923 681443
For all bookings enquiries, confirmation and cancellation of fixtures
Contact: Centres Manager or the Grounds TeamEmail: sportsadmin@ststephen-pc.gov.uk
Contact: Administrative AssistantEmail: admin@ststephen-pc.gov.ukTelephone: 01923 681443