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Mayflower Road Play Area Consultation

St Stephen Parish Council is updating Mayflower Road play area. We would like as many people as possible in the local community to complete the online survey and/or come along to our consultation workshop at Mayflower Road on 30 October 1pm to 4pm. There will be an opportunity to see options, give input and speak with councillors and staff.

To complete the survey click here

St Stephen Parish Council Summer Fete 1 September

Please join us on Sunday 1 September at Greenwood Park for our Summer Fete. In addition to music, food stalls and fun activities, the Council is displaying Future Plans in the marquee outside the Community Centre. The display will be open from Friday 30 August to Sunday 1 September.

We value your comments, please click here to leave your feedback.

St Stephen Parish Council Community Awards

We asked our residents to nominate individuals and groups they felt deserved recognition for their commitment to making our Parish a better place. St Stephen Parish Council was pleased to award the following at our Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May:
Business Award – How Wood Pharmacy
Group Award – Park Street Residents’ Association
Individual Award – Roy Clegg

Special Award
In addition, this year, the Parish Council is delighted to present a Special Award to Bricket Wood Station Heritage Trust. This award recognizes the remarkable hard work, commitment, and dedicated efforts of the Trust in restoring the station building and creating a café for the community. The Trust’s work has significantly contributed to preserving local heritage and creating a communal space for all to enjoy.

Parish in Bloom

Following Chiswell Green and Park Street Residents’ Association Parish in Bloom competition, the Parish Council was pleased to present Parish in Bloom awards to the three overall winners.

Woodland Management Plan 2024-2034

St Stephen Parish has recently commissioned Maydencroft to write a woodland management plan. This plan details the schedule of maintenance and conservation work to be done in our three woodlands-St Julian’s Wood, Black Green Wood and Park Street Rec embankment over the next 10 years.

Please click to view the plan

The council welcomes any feedback from the community about the plan. Please email

Grand Opening of Woodbury Field Play Area

Please join us on Saturday 1st June from 2.30pm at Woodbury Field, Bricket Wood, AL2 3QG

Ribbon cutting by our own Postie Mike, Free bootcamp with Jess from Yes Jess Fitness, Fitness equipment demonstration, come and try the double cable way, music, food, ice cream van

Woodland Management Greenwood Park

St Stephen Parish Council will be undertaking woodland management in the area between the top car park and the cycle way from 20th to 22nd March.

The project will enable the Council to thin some of the trees by moving up to 30 trees to a new location within the park, John Bell’s copse.

Moving the trees will reduce competition in the area and result in improved tree health for the remaining specimens.

Creating more space will increase biodiversity of the area by allowing more light to reach the woodland floor.

Hedge Laying in Greenwood Park

This week, we have started a new project to lay a hedge along the boundary of Greenwood Park with the A414. The initial stage will be the first 50m or so. Hedge laying is a traditional craft that has been practised for centuries in the UK and the new hedge is being laid in the South of England style which is typical of our region. Feedback from our recent survey on the future of Greenwood Park called for improvement to the barrier between the dual carriageway and the Council is pleased to take action on this feedback as part of our woodland management plan.

Hedgerows provide a natural barrier and are an important habitat for wildlife and shelter for birds and small mammals. Healthy hedgerows are essential habitats for UK biodiversity, home to 80% of our woodland birds and supporting over 2,000 species such as hedgehogs, butterflies and several European Protected Species, including the dormouse.