We asked our residents to nominate individuals and groups they felt deserved recognition for their commitment to making our Parish a better place. St Stephen Parish Council was pleased to award the following at our Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May:
Business Award – How Wood Pharmacy
Group Award – Park Street Residents’ Association
Individual Award – Roy Clegg
Special Award
In addition, this year, the Parish Council is delighted to present a Special Award to Bricket Wood Station Heritage Trust. This award recognizes the remarkable hard work, commitment, and dedicated efforts of the Trust in restoring the station building and creating a café for the community. The Trust’s work has significantly contributed to preserving local heritage and creating a communal space for all to enjoy.
Parish in Bloom
Following Chiswell Green and Park Street Residents’ Association Parish in Bloom competition, the Parish Council was pleased to present Parish in Bloom awards to the three overall winners.