Have YOUR say on the future of Greenwood Park

What’s the current situation with Greenwood Park?
St Stephen Parish Council aims to provide the best services and facilities to our residents in the most cost effective way. We have become increasingly concerned about the amount of our public funding that we are currently spending to maintain ageing and inefficient facilities. We also wish to minimise the environmental impact of our operations, including that of staff and equipment travelling between different sites.
For these reasons we are planning to bring together the parish office, our grounds & maintenance staff and equipment to within Greenwood Park, our largest site. The aim is to modernise and future-proof our buildings and car parking facilities there. This also offers a chance to consider what facilities and activities residents want to see.
We want to hear your views and ideas on the future improvement of Greenwood Park.
The Parish Council has engaged a specialist, independent agency to consider options to develop the Greenwood Park site. We have not given any instruction as to what should or shouldn’t happen in Greenwood Park. There has been no pre-determination of outcome. Your response to this survey will help the Council and the independent agency understand what residents want. The agency will then provide three feasible options for further consultation with residents.
How will any future development be paid for?
The Council intends to pay for this project partly through funding contributions from developers that have been set aside for community and leisure facilities, received by District Council for housing developments within the parish. We will seek funding from third parties, apply for grant funding and may sell some or all of the land at Bricket Wood Parish Centre but ensure a venue remains in Bricket Wood. We also expect future running and maintenance costs to be reduced if our facilities are more efficient, for example through better insulation.
How can I share my views and ideas?
We want to understand how we can serve our residents at Greenwood Park and want you to have your say. Your views will inform the options being developed by the independent agency. We are sure you will appreciate that not everything everyone asks for will be delivered, but your views will help to shape our long-term thinking about the facilities and services we provide.
We also want to find out from people who don’t currently use Greenwood Park what would attract them to visit. Everyone in your household can complete this survey and we really want to hear from right across the community. We hope to make Greenwood Park an inclusive space for all members of the community to use and enjoy for future decades. We can do this with your help! There are two ways to take part in this consultation:
Option 1 – Complete the paper survey
Complete the paper survey delivered to your home address and drop it back to either the Parish Centre or to Greenwood Park Community Centre.
Option 2 – Complete the survey online
Click here to complete the survey online
Click here to download a copy of the survey
Additional paper copies of the survey will be available at the Parish Centre and Greenwood Park Community Centre