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Grants and Discretionary Discounts Awarded



Abbey Line CRP – £500 to support community based projects.

Keep Chiswell Green – £10,000

Friends of Hanstead Wood -£300 for insurance and tools.

How Wood School, Killigrew School, Mount Pleasant School and Park Street C of E School £100 each for books.

St Luke’s Day Care Centre – £200 towards their Christmas meal .

Maverick Humanity – £1,000 towards fitting out of trailer to provide lunches for local children.

St Luke’s Church – £250 towards the Community Christmas Tree


Friends of Hanstead Wood – £300 for insurance and tools

Keep Chiswell Green  – £1,000 towards the cost of expert witness reports and attendance at the public enquiry

Grow Chiswell Green – £650 to pay for a community shed

Abbey Line CRP – £500 to support community based projects


St Luke’s Day Care Centre – £200 towards their Christmas meal

St Luke’s Church – £135 towards the Community Christmas Tree

Greenwood United Reformed Church – £127.03 for Cosy Community Hub banners

How Wood School, Killigrew School, Mount Pleasant Lane School and Park Street C of E School – £75 each for books

Park Street Residents’ Association – £390 to support their Halloween Event

Bricket Wood Residents’ Association – £1,000 towards the cost of the Platinum Jubilee Community walk and afternoon tea

Park Street Residents’ Association – £1,000 towards the cost of the Platinum Jubilee Picnic and vintage gala

Friends of Hanstead Wood – £300 for insurance and tools

Grow Chiswell Green – £550 to support their Autumn Wildlife Festival

Abbey Line CRP – £500 to support community based projects

Save St Albans Fight the Freight CIC – £9,660 towards the costs of legal action to oppose the rail freight terminal on the former Radlett Airfield site


Armed Forces Day granted £500

Friends of Hanstead Wood granted £300.

How Wood, Killigrew, Mount Pleasant Lane and Park Street Primary Schools – £75 each for school books.

St Luke’s Day Care Centre Lunch Club and In Touch club, Holy Trinity Church, Frogmore – £240 each.

Abbey Line CRP – £500


St Luke’s Day Care Centre Lunch Club and In Touch club, Holy Trinity Church, Frogmore – £200 each.

Friends of Hanstead Wood granted £300 for insurance (£120) and equipment (£180).

Abbey Line CRP – £250

St Luke’s Christmas Tree Lighting – £150 (one-off contribution)


Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership (CRP) – £500 towards its work looking after and enhancing the Abbey Line, a branch rail line from St Albans to Watford, which runs right through the parish.

St Luke’s Day Care Centre Lunch Club – £240 towards cost of Christmas meal.

In Touch club, Holy Trinity Church, Frogmore – £240 towards cost of Christmas meal.

Chiswell Green, Park Street and Bricket Wood Residents’ Associations each granted £50 to purchase spring bulbs.



Bricket Wood Residents’ Association (100%)

Park Street Residents’ Association (100%)

Chiswell Green Residents’ Association (100%)

Abbey Line CRP (100%)

St Stephens Gardening Club (75%)



1st Park Street Brownies – 75% discount on cost of hall hire

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People – 100% discount on fundraising activities and AGM

((BOUNCE)) Chiswell Green – 100% discount (£42) on hall hire for fundraising event for Open Door (registered charity no. 1028528)


Bricket Wood Residents’ Association granted £235 discount on venue hire for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Park Street Residents’ Association granted £235 discount on venue hire for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People – 100% discount on fundraising activities and AGM


St Stephen Gardening Club (75%)

Hearing Dogs For Deaf People -100% discount on fundraising activities and AGM.

1st Park Street Brownies granted 75% discount on cost of hall hire.


St Stephen Gardening Club (75%)

Hearing Dogs For Deaf People -100% discount on fundraising activities and AGM.

Frogmore Cricket Club granted 75% discount on annual fundraising match.

1st Park Street Brownies granted 75% discount on cost of hall hire.


1st Bricket Wood Scouts – 100% discount on cost of hiring Parish Field for event..

Macmillan Cancer Support – 100% discount on hire of Orton Hall, GWP, for fundraising coffee morning.

St Stephen Gardening Club (75%)

Bricket Wood Station Heritage Trust offered 75% discount.

Hearing Dogs For Deaf People -100% discount on fundraising activities and AGM.

Frogmore Cricket Club granted 75% discount on annual fundraising match.

1st Park Street Brownies granted 75% discount on cost of hall hire.